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Archive Issues

This section contains the following topics:

How do I define paths for the archive file and related index files?

How do I create multiple CAR files and CAR paths?

What is the purpose of the FORMSETID and RECNUM fields?

To retrieve sections from archive, why do I need read/write access to the Arc directory but only read access to the archive files?

What compression mechanism is used on the CAR file?

Can I change CAR file compression routines?

Can I increase the compression of a CAR file?

After using REINDEX on a WIP index, why does it then take up less space?

How do I decrease the size of CAR files?

What is the maximum number of variables I can use to trigger an archive?

How do version/revision numbers affect Retrieval?

What are the dates shown on the Archive/Retrieval window for?

How do I check the integrity of a CAR file?

How do I handle case issues in the Archive module?

How do I change the archive keys?

How do I determine which version of Oracle I need?

How do I resolve transaction errors when using GenArc and Documanage?

Does GenArc handle SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition vs. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition differently?

When do I use the CreateTime, AddedOn, and MaxFolders options?

How do I specify a default sort order?

Can I run concurrent GenArc sessions to archive to the same flat file?

Can I use the VARCHAR2 data type for storing data?